Squish Support

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I sign up?

    Simply click on the "Free Trial" link in the navigation bar and fill out the required information. This will start your 60-day no-risk trial. If you decide to continue using Squish after the trial period, you simply pay for your first year, and you will keep all information already entered into your account.
  • How much does it cost?

    The initial trial period of 60 days is totally free. If you wish to use Squish beyond the trial period your cost will be determined by how many issues you have in Squish. See the purchase page for more details.
  • Can I download or export my data?

    Yes. Squish supports exporting of your account into XML format. The export file contains all the information associated with your account, including:
    • Users
    • Projects Definitions (including member information and field definitions)
    • Issues
    Only your company administrator, however, has permission to export.
  • Do I have to have cookies turned on to be able to use Squish?

    Yes. The only information that the cookie contains is a unique id that you are assigned when you log in. This id is randomly generated every time you log in. All personal information is kept on the server.
  • What information is tracked by the cookies?

    The cookies are only used to track who is logged in. They are not used to track any other information.
  • What happens to my data if I decide to no longer use Squish?

    IMS will retain your database for 60 days after your account expires. After 60 days, your account and all data are destroyed.

Have a Question?

If you have a question or comment about Squish please send an e-mail to support@squishlist.com or fill out the form below.

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